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Apache HTTP Server

2.4.12 for Windows Apache下载

  • 软件大小:9.53MB
  • 软件版本:2.4.12 for Windows
  • 软件语言:英文
  • 软件授权:免费版
  • 更新时间:2015-07-29
  • 软件类别:服务器类类
  • 应用平台:WinXP/Vista/Win7/Win8
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Apache HTTP Server是世界使用排名第一的Web服务器软件。它可以运行在几乎所有广泛使用的计算机平台上,由于其跨平台和安全性被广泛使用,是最流行的Web服务器端软件之一。


Apache源于NCSAhttpd服务器,经过多次修改,成为世界上最流行的Web服务器软件之一。Apache取自“A Patchy Server”的读音,意思是充满补丁的服务器,因为它是开源软件,所以不断有人来为它开发新的功能、新的特性、修改原来的缺陷。Apache的特点是简单、速度快、性能稳定,并可做代理服务器来使用。

Apache HTTP Server 2.4.12 更新日志:

  1. http: Fix LimitRequestBody checks when there is no more bytes to read.[Michael Kaufmann <mail michael-kaufmann.ch>]
  2.  mod_alias: Revert expression parser support for Alias, ScriptAlias
  3. and Redirect due to a regression (introduced in 2.4.13, not released).
  4.  mod_reqtimeout: Don't let pipelining checks and keep-alive times interfere
  5. with the timeouts computed for subsequent requests.  PR 56729.[Eric Covener, Yann Ylavic]
  6.  core: Avoid a possible truncation of the faulty header included in the
  7. HTML response when LimitRequestFieldSize is reached.  [Yann Ylavic]
  8.  mod_ldap: In some case, LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE could be returned instead
  9. of an error during a compare operation. [Eric Covener]
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